Health District Hotline:
COVID-19 Delta variant update in Washoe County: 133 additional cases, 4 deaths total
Vaccinations continue to be the best way to prevent COVID-19 and the Delta variant
Correction: There are no new deaths to report.
August 6, 2021. Reno/Sparks, NV – There have been 694 COVID-19-related deaths in Washoe County since March 2020 – 4 of those cases were confirmed to have the Delta variant through sequencing performed by the Nevada State Public Health laboratory, and none of the 4 had received a COVID-19 vaccine.
Additionally, we’re reporting 133 additional COVID-19 Delta variant cases for a total of 435 in Washoe County. Of the 435 Delta cases, 35 were hospitalized and 8 were in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Of the 35 hospitalized cases, only 5 received a COVID-19 vaccine.
The COVID-19 vaccine remains the best way to avoid contracting COVID-19 and any variants, and it is also proven to reduce the risk of hospitalization and death.
Today we are reporting 222 new daily cases of COVID -19. The current 7- day average is 131 new COVID-19 cases a day in Washoe County. These levels exceed the number of cases at the peak of the July 2020 surge (98.4) and are similar to levels experienced last October 2020 as we were entering the November surge (7 day average of 133 on October 20, 2020, with a peak of 481.4 7 day average of new cases per day on November 26, 2020). As recently as July 1 the 7-day average was only 22.9. Hospitalizations for COVID-19 have doubled over the last week.
The regional risk meter is now at orange, high risk, and is moving toward red, very high risk. The CDC designates Washoe County as high risk for COVID-19 transmission. Residents are urged to take precautions to avoid being infected with COVID-19.
With the Delta variant circulating, which is twice as contagious as the COVID-19 virus was last July, and nearly half of our population still not fully vaccinated, residents are vulnerable to a rapid increase in cases and hospitalizations as we have seen is currently occurring in Clark County. See more COVID-19 information on our dashboard. If you are showing symptoms of COVID-19, you need to stay home, isolate from others, and get a COVID-19 test with the Health District.
The vaccines have proven to be effective against the Delta variant and they are the solution for preventing transmission, hospitalizations, and deaths from COVID-19. For those who plan to receive a test, an appointment can be made in order to minimize wait time.
The COVID-19 vaccine is being offered every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the Reno-Sparks Livestock Events Center from 8:30-11:30 a.m. Walk-ins are welcome, but appointments are recommended. Sign up for an appointment here.
Local pharmacies and grocery stores are offering the vaccine as well. See a full list here.
Residents 12 and older are urged to get vaccinated as soon as possible, and to consider information from reliable sources when making the decision to be vaccinated. Vaccinations are readily available and provided free of charge regardless of immigration status.
The COVID-19 Regional Information Center is working together to deliver COVID-19 community updates in a unified manner. While press releases are only sent periodically for significant events, you can always get daily results on our website, https://covid19washoe.com/, our COVID-19 Dashboard or by following us on Twitter @COVID19Washoe. The entities include: City of Reno, City of Sparks, North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, Regional Transportation Commission, REMSA, Reno Sparks Indian Colony, Reno Police Department, Reno Fire Department, Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District, University of Nevada, Reno, Washoe County, Washoe County Health District, Washoe County School District and Washoe County Sheriff’s Office. Also in the group are the area hospitals, Northern Nevada Medical Center, Renown Health and Saint Mary’s.