Updated COVID-19 Vaccine Media Toolkit
Just like you update your phone, computer, and apps to enhance protection and improve features, you should also update your COVID vaccine for the same reasons.
How to Use this Toolkit
Help us spread the message, not the virus! The “Stay Updated” COVID-19 vaccine Digital Toolkit contains graphics and videos you can share on your social media and other digital channels to encourage people to stay updated on their COVID-19 vaccine.

Updated COVID-19 vaccine: Stay Updated
Social media copy – English
Stay updated! If you’re older than 6 months, your last COVID vaccine was before October 2023 or you’ve never been vaccinated — YOU’RE ELEGIBLE to get the 2023-2024 updated COVID vaccine! Find a location today at COVID19WASHOE.COM
Social media copy – Spanish
¡Mantente actualizado! Si tienes más de seis meses de edad, y tu última vacuna contra el COVID fue antes de Octibre 2023 o nunca te has vacunado, ERES ELEGIBLE para ponerte la vacuna contra el COVID actualizada 2023-2024. Encuentra un sitio de vacunación cercano y más información visitando COVID19WASHOE.COM/ESPANOL
“An old COVID vaccine is like…” Videos
“An old COVID vaccine is like…” Static Graphics


ENGLISH 1:91:1

SPANISH 1:91:1


Trusted Resources
Use this website to find a vaccine site in your area.
The CDC website is the best place to see all the updated information regarding changes in the COVID-19 situation, as well as to gather more materials and resources.