
26 additional COVID-19 cases, 75 recoveries reported

26 additional COVID-19 cases, 75 recoveries reported

May 4, 2021. Reno/Sparks, NV – The Regional Information Center is reporting 26 additional COVID-19 cases in Washoe County with 75 recoveries. The total number of COVID-19-related deaths remains at 669.

COVID-19 vaccine appointments are available at the Reno-Sparks Livestock Events Center. Schedule an appointment here. Find other providers in Washoe County here. If you are bedridden or unable to leave your house for an appointment, please call 775-328-2427 to see if you’re eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine at your home.

How to talk about COVID-19 vaccines with friends and family

It’s normal to for people to have questions about COVID-19 vaccines. Friends and family members can help make sure they have accurate information to make an informed decision. The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention has some tips on how to talk to friends and family about COVID-19 vaccines. Learn more here.

  • Total COVID-19 cases in Washoe County: 45,420 (+26 from 5/3)
  • Deaths: 669 (+0)
  • Recovered: 42,959 (+75)
  • Active cases: 1,792 (-7)
  • Hospitalized with COVID-19: 45 (+10)
  • Positivity rate: 5.7%
  • Vaccines administered in Washoe County: 334,209 (+3,479 from 5/3; 53.48% of Washoe County population 16+ have had vaccination initiated)
  • Washoe County residents fully vaccinated: 138,718 (+2,249 from 5/3; 36.23% of Washoe County population 16+)
  • Vaccines administered by Washoe County Health District: 146,427 (+1,075 from 5/3; 65,903 fully vaccinated)

Please note that COVID-19 case count, recovery and death information can change retroactively based on updated information that the Washoe County Health District receives. For example, if the Health District receives new positive test results or discovers that a case did not live in Washoe County, the number of cases, recoveries or deaths reported on a previous day can go up or down based on what was previously reported. See the COVID-19 Dashboard here.

*Hospitalization data is from Nevada Hospital Association.

*Washoe County COVID-19 Vaccine Data can be found on the State of Nevada dashboard, here.

*Vaccine data from the Washoe County Health District can be found here.

COVID-19 tests performed in Washoe County

  • Total number of COVID-19 tests performed in Washoe County: 437,447 (+598 since 5/3)

Note: These figures are provided by the State of Nevada and can be found on the State Dashboard. COVID-19 tests may include non-Washoe County residents who were tested in Washoe County.

Hospital bed and ventilator information

According to the Nevada Hospital Association, in Washoe County:

  • 62 percent of all licensed hospital beds are occupied (+2% since 5/3)
  • 65 percent staffed hospital beds are occupied (+2%)
  • 45 percent of all Intensive Care Unit beds are occupied (+0%)

NOTE: Numbers are for all hospital patients in Washoe County and not just COVID-19 patients.

Residents urged to fill out screening questionnaire before COVID-19 vaccine appointment at Livestock Events Center

The Regional COVID-19 Response Team is urging residents who receive the COVID-19 vaccine at the Reno-Sparks Livestock Events Center (RSLEC) to fill out the screening questionnaire the day prior to your appointment.

The link to fill out the questionnaire only takes a few minutes and is emailed and texted to residents about 22 hours prior to their appointment time. Learn more by clicking this link.

Residents 16+ eligible for Free COVID-19 vaccine

Washoe County residents 16 years and older are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine and the Washoe County COVID-19 response team has launched a new scheduling platform that will allow residents to choose the brand of COVID-19 vaccine they want. Read more. Watch a tutorial video on how to schedule an appointment here.

Need a COVID-19 test? It’s easy to sign up and it’s free

COVID-19 testing is still available at the Livestock Events Center and can be scheduled online here (en español aqui) or by calling 775-328-2427. It’s free and it does not matter if you have symptoms or not.

Sign up for the COVID Trace App

COVID Trace is a contact tracing mobile app developed by the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services that uses a technology called the Exposure Notifications System from Google and Apple. The app exchanges anonymous information with other phones in your vicinity and can notify you if you’ve come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.See more here.

The COVID-19 Regional Information Center is working together to deliver COVID-19 community updates in a unified manner. While press releases are only sent periodically for significant events, you can always get daily results on our website, https://covid19washoe.com/, our COVID-19 Dashboard or by following us on Twitter @COVID19Washoe. The entities include: City of Reno, City of Sparks, North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, Regional Transportation Commission, REMSA, Reno Sparks Indian Colony, Reno Police Department, Reno Fire Department, Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District, University of Nevada, Reno, Washoe County, Washoe County Health District, Washoe County School District and Washoe County Sheriff’s Office. Also in the group are the area hospitals, Northern Nevada Medical Center, Renown Health and Saint Mary’s. 

Se reportan 79 casos adicionales de COVID-19 y 192 recuperaciones en los últimos 3 días

Se reportan 79 casos adicionales de COVID-19 y 192 recuperaciones en los últimos 3 días

Mayo 3, 2021. Reno/Sparks, NV – El Centro Regional de Información reporta 79 casos adicionales de COVID-19 y 192 recuperaciones en el Condado de Washoe en los últimos 3 días.  No se reportan muertes adicionales relacionadas con COVID-19.

La separación de casos/recuperaciones es de la siguiente forma:  sábado, 1ro de mayo, 27 casos, 65 recuperaciones; domingo, 2 de mayo, 23 casos, 50 recuperaciones; hoy, 29 casos, 77 recuperaciones. Favor de notar que los casos reportados hoy en este comunicado reflejan los datos del día anterior.

La tasa de positividad de COVID-19 en el Condado de Washoe, según el Boletín de COVID-19 del estado, está a 5.8 porciento, lo cual es menos del 6.7 porciento del 25 de abril del 2021. Mas de 200,000 residentes del Condado de Washoe han iniciado su vacunación, lo que significa que los residentes han recibido su primera dosis de la vacuna de dos dosis (Moderna o Pfizer) o ya recibieron su única dosis con la vacuna Janssen (Johnson y Johnson).

Hay citas disponibles para vacunarse contra COVID-19 en el Centro de Eventos Livestock Reno-Sparks.   Programe una cita aquí. Entre otros proveedores en el Condado de Washoe aquí. Si usted está confinado a cama o no puede dejar su casa para atender a una cita, favor de llamar al 775-328-2427 para ver si es elegible para recibir su vacuna contra COVID-19 en casa.

  • Total en casos de COVID-19 en el Condado de Washoe: 45,405 (+79 desde 4/30)
  • Muertes: 669 (+0)
  • Recuperados: 42,937 (+192)
  • Casos activos: 1,799 (-33)
  • Hospitalizados con COVID-19: 35 (+7)
  • Tasa de positividad: 5.8%
  • Vacunas administradas en el Condado de Washoe: 330,730 (+7,711 desde 4/30; 53.14% de la población en el Condado de Washoe de 16+ han iniciado su vacunación)
  • Residentes del Condado de Washoe totalmente vacunados: 136,469 (+6,399 desde 4/30; 35.65% de la población en el Condado de Washoe de 16+)
  • Vacunas administradas por el Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe: 141,181 (+1,962 desde 4/29; 62,426 totalmente vacunados)

Favor de notar que la cuenta de casos de COVID-19, información sobre recuperaciones y muertes puede cambiar retroactivamente basada en la información actualizada que el Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe recibe.  Por ejemplo, si el Distrito de Salud recibe nuevos resultados positivos de pruebas o descubre que un caso no residía en el Condado de Washoe, el número de casos, recuperaciones, o muertes reportado el día anterior puede subir o bajar basada en lo que se reportó previamente.  Vea el Boletín de COVID-19 aquí.

*Los datos de hospitalización vienen de la Asociación de Hospitales de Nevada.

*Los datos sobre la Vacuna contra COVID-19 puede encontrarse aquí en el  Boletín Estatal.

*Los datos sobre la vacuna en el Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe pueden encontrarse aquí.

 Pruebas de COVID-19 realizadas en el Condado de Washoe

  • Total en pruebas de COVID-19 realizadas en el Condado de Washoe: 436,849 (+2,136 desde 4/30)

Nota: Estas cifras son proporcionadas por el Estado de Nevada y se encuentran en el Boletín Estatal.  Las pruebas de COVID-19 podrían incluir residentes que no residen en el Condado de Washoe, pero recibieron una prueba en dicho Condado. 

Información sobre camas de hospital y ventiladores

Según la Asociación de Hospitales de Nevada, en el Condado de Washoe:

  • 60 porciento de todas las camas con licencia están en uso (-3% desde 4/29)
  • 63 porciento de las camas con personal asignado están en uso (-3%)
  • 45 porciento de las camas de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos están en uso (-3%)

NOTA: Estas cifras reflectas todos los pacientes de hospital en el Condado de Washoe y no solo los pacientes de COVID-19.

Se urge a los residentes a llenar su cuestionario antes de su cita para vacunarse contra COVID-19 en el Centro de Eventos Livestock

El Equipo Regional Responsivo de COVID-19 urge a residentes que reciban su vacuna contra COVID-19 en el RSLEC) a que llenen su cuestionario de detección el día antes de su cita.

El enlace para llenar el cuestionario solo toma unos minutos y es enviado por correo o texto a residentes unas 22 horas antes de su cita.  Aprenda más hacia clic a este enlace

Residentes de 16+ elegibles para vacunarse contra COVID-19

Los residentes de 16 años o mayores del Condado de Washoe son elegibles para vacunarse contra COVID-19 y el equipo responsivo de COVID-19 del Condado de Washoe ha lanzado una plataforma nueva para programar citas que permitirá a los residentes a escoger la marca de vacuna contra COVID-19 que quieren recibir.  Lea más. Vea un video tutorial sobre como programar una cita aquí.

¿Necesita una prueba de COVID-19? Es fácil inscribirse y es gratuito

Las pruebas de COVID-19 siguen disponibles en el Centro de Eventos Livestock y programarse en línea aquí o llamando al 775-328-2427. Es gratuito y no importa si tiene o no síntomas.

Inscríbase a la Aplicación de Rastreo de COVID-19

Rastreo de COVID es una aplicación de rastreo de contactos móvil desarrollada por el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Human de Nevada que usa una tecnología de Google y Apple llamada el Sistema de Notificaciones de Exposición.  La aplicación intercambia información anónima con otros teléfonos a su alrededor y puede notificarle si ha estado en contacto con alguien que ha dado positivo para COVID-19. Vea más aquí.

El Centro Regional de Información de COVID-19 está trabajando para entregar actualizaciones a la comunidad sobre COVID-19 de manera unificada. Mientras que los publicados son enviados periódicamente para eventos significativos, siempre se pueden ver los resultados diarios en nuestro sitio, https://covid19washoe.com/, nuestro Boletín de COVID-19, y en Twitter @COVID19Washoe. Las agencias incluyen: Ciudad de Reno, Ciudad de Sparks, Distrito de Protección contra Incendios de North Lake Tahoe, Tribu Pyramid Lake Paiute, Comisión de Transporte Regional, REMSA, Colonia de Indios de Reno Sparks, Departamento de Policía de Reno, Departamento de Bomberos de Reno, Distrito de Protección contra Incendios de Truckee Meadows, Universidad de Nevada, Reno, el Condado de Washoe, el Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe, el Distrito Escolar del Condado de Washoe y la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Washoe. También en el grupo están los hospitales del área, el Centro Médico del Norte de Nevada, Renown Health y Saint Mary’s.  

Washoe County COVID-19 Mitigation & Enforcement Plan approved by State, Gov. Sisolak

Washoe County COVID-19 Mitigation & Enforcement Plan approved by State, Gov. Sisolak

Statement mask mandate remains in place

May 3, 2021. Reno/Sparks, NV – Washoe County’s COVID-19 Mitigation and Enforcement Plan has been approved by the State of Nevada and Gov. Steve Sisolak. The plan, which allows for 100 percent capacity at businesses as long as 6 feet of social distancing is in place, takes effect immediately in Washoe County through May 31, 2021. On June 1, 2021, there will be no social distancing requirement.

Masks and face coverings are still required per State mandate.

The Washoe County Board of County Commissioners approved the plan earlier today, which was endorsed by the City of Reno, City of Sparks, Nevada Hospital Association, Washoe County Health District and the Washoe County School District.

With the approval of the local authority plan, the following measures go into effect immediately in Washoe County: 


May 3 – 31, 2021 

June 1, 2021 


Must be worn by employees and customers, indoors and outdoors, per Governor’s Directive 024 and 028 (See all directives here)

Must be worn by employees and customers, indoors and outdoors 

Social distancing 

6 feet per CDC guidance 

No social distance requirements 


Permit type 

May 3 – 31, 2021 

June 1, 2021 


Hot tubs (spas) may open 




Tables limited to groups of 10 

Bars limited to groups of 4 


Customer may ask for and bottles must be cleaned between customers 


Are not allowed to open unless served by employees 

Bars: Bar top service can resume as long as social distancing of 6 feet is maintained.


No restrictions 



No restrictions 



Allowed to open with self service 

Special Events 

Events expecting more than 500 individuals need to submit a Large Gathering Plan to WCHD-EHS and have it approved 

Events that have already had their plan approved by the State may reach out to WCHD-EHS to obtain permission to hold their event with less restrictions 


Newly planned events do not need an approved large gathering plan  

Invasive Body Decoration 

For procedures on the head/face staff must abide by rules for dental procedures (mouth rinse, wash hands, employee wearing mask and face shield)  

For procedures on the head/face staff must abide by rules for dental procedures (mouth rinse, wash hands, employee wearing mask and face shield) 

Casinos/Large Resorts 

Gaming operators must continue to abide by the requirements listed in SB4 regulations adopted by the District Board of Health 

Gaming operators must continue to abide by the requirements listed in SB4 regulations adopted by the District Board of Health. 

The COVID-19 Regional Information Center is working together to deliver COVID-19 community updates in a unified manner. While press releases are only sent periodically for significant events, you can always get daily results on our website, https://covid19washoe.com/, our COVID-19 Dashboard or by following us on Twitter @COVID19Washoe. The entities include: City of Reno, City of Sparks, North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, Regional Transportation Commission, REMSA, Reno Sparks Indian Colony, Reno Police Department, Reno Fire Department, Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District, University of Nevada, Reno, Washoe County, Washoe County Health District, Washoe County School District and Washoe County Sheriff’s Office. Also in the group are the area hospitals, Northern Nevada Medical Center, Renown Health and Saint Mary’s. 

Board of County Commissioners approves plan for local authority over COVID restrictions

NOTE: This press release was issued today by the Washoe County Manager’s Office. The full release can be found here.

Board of County Commissioners approves plan for local authority over COVID restrictions
County’s plan for local COVID mitigation measures moves forward

The Washoe County Board of County Commissioners today approved a plan for local management of COVID-19 mitigation measures.  

On May 1, the State of Nevada transferred authority over COVID mitigation to county jurisdictions that had met certain approval requirements. Washoe County’s latest iteration of the plan was not endorsed previously by the City of Reno, Washoe County School District, or Washoe County Health District, as directed by the governor, and Washoe County was therefore not authorized to assume authority on May 1.  

“We get all sides of this – and it’s very difficult – the best we can do for you today is move forward with a Washoe County plan for local authority for 29 days, until June 1,” Commission Chair Bob Lucey said. “We can only strive to move forward for the benefit of our children, our families, our community.” 

In today’s special meeting, a plan was presented to the Board of County Commissioners with the full support and endorsement of the required entities and was approved by the Board. The next step is to inform the Nevada State COVID Task Force of the approval and receive authorization to assume local authority, which is expected today. On June 1, all state-mandated measures will be removed except the statewide mask mandate.  

Pending the state’s approval of the local authority plan, the following measures will go into effect in Washoe County: 


May 3 – 31, 2021 

June 1, 2021 


Must be worn by employees and customers, indoors and outdoors, per Governor’s Directive 024 and 028 

Must be worn by employees and customers, indoors and outdoors 

Social distancing 

6 feet per CDC guidance 

No social distance requirements 

Permit type 

May 3 – 31, 2021 

June 1, 2021 


Hot tubs (spas) may open 




Tables limited to groups of 10 

Bars limited to groups of 4 


Customer may ask for and bottles must be cleaned between customers 


Are not allowed to open unless served by employees 


No restrictions 



No restrictions 



Allowed to open with self service 

Special Events 

Events expecting more than 500 individuals need to submit a Large Gathering Plan to WCHD-EHS and have it approved 

Events that have already had their plan approved by the State may reach out to WCHD-EHS to obtain permission to hold their event with less restrictions 


Newly planned events do not need an approved large gathering plan  

Invasive Body Decoration 

For procedures on the head/face staff must abide by rules for dental procedures (mouth rinse, wash hands, employee wearing mask and face shield)  

For procedures on the head/face staff must abide by rules for dental procedures (mouth rinse, wash hands, employee wearing mask and face shield) 

Casinos/Large Resorts 

Gaming operators must continue to abide by the requirements listed in SB4 (6 feet social distancing, sanitation, etc.) 

Gaming operators must continue to abide by the requirements listed in SB4 (6 feet social distancing, sanitation, etc.) 

If the COVID Risk Meter (www.covidriskmeter.org) reaches red, on the Thursday night at 11:59 pm of the week the meter reaches red, the community will be required to revert to tighter restrictions. 

If new case counts reach 625 per 100,000 over a 30-day period then additional restrictions on businesses resume with an initial focus on restaurants, bars, casinos, gyms, and large gatherings/events. (This means about 100 new cases a day for a few weeks, or a larger spike over less time) 

View the full plan here.  

79 additional COVID-19 cases, 192 recoveries reported over the last 3 days

79 additional COVID-19 cases, 192 recoveries reported over the last 3 days

May 3, 2021. Reno/Sparks, NV – The Regional Information Center is reporting 79 additional COVID-19 cases and 192 recoveries in Washoe County over the past three days. No additional COVID-19-related deaths were been reported.

The breakdown for cases/recoveries goes as follows: Saturday, May 1, 27 cases, 65 recoveries; Sunday May 2, 23 cases, 50 recoveries; today, 29 cases, 77 recoveries. Please note that the cases reported today in this release are from data from the previous day.

The COVID-19 positivity rate in Washoe County, per the State’s COVID-19 Dashboard, is at 5.8 percent, which is down from 6.7 percent on April 25, 2021. More than 200,000 Washoe County residents have had their vaccines initiated, which means a resident has either received the first dose of a two-dose vaccination (Moderna & Pfizer) or received the first dose of a one-dose vaccine (Janssen – Johnson & Johnson).

COVID-19 vaccine appointments are available at the Reno-Sparks Livestock Events Center. Schedule an appointment here. Find other providers in Washoe County here. If you are bedridden or unable to leave your house for an appointment, please call 775-328-2427 to see if you’re eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine at your home.

  • Total COVID-19 cases in Washoe County: 45,405 (+79 from 4/30)
  • Deaths: 669 (+0)
  • Recovered: 42,937 (+192)
  • Active cases: 1,799 (-33)
  • Hospitalized with COVID-19: 35 (+7)
  • Positivity rate: 5.8%
  • Vaccines administered in Washoe County: 330,730 (+7,711 from 4/30; 53.14% of Washoe County population 16+ have had vaccination initiated)
  • Washoe County residents fully vaccinated: 136,469 (+6,399 from 4/30; 35.65% of Washoe County population 16+)
  • Vaccines administered by Washoe County Health District: 145,352 (+4,171 from 4/30; 65,903 fully vaccinated)

Please note that COVID-19 case count, recovery and death information can change retroactively based on updated information that the Washoe County Health District receives. For example, if the Health District receives new positive test results or discovers that a case did not live in Washoe County, the number of cases, recoveries or deaths reported on a previous day can go up or down based on what was previously reported. See the COVID-19 Dashboard here.

*Hospitalization data is from Nevada Hospital Association.

*Washoe County COVID-19 Vaccine Data can be found on the State of Nevada dashboard, here.

*Vaccine data from the Washoe County Health District can be found here.

COVID-19 tests performed in Washoe County

  • Total number of COVID-19 tests performed in Washoe County: 436,849 (+2,136 since 4/30)

Note: These figures are provided by the State of Nevada and can be found on the State Dashboard. COVID-19 tests may include non-Washoe County residents who were tested in Washoe County.

Hospital bed and ventilator information

According to the Nevada Hospital Association, in Washoe County:

  • 60 percent of all licensed hospital beds are occupied (-3% since 4/29)
  • 63 percent staffed hospital beds are occupied (-3%)
  • 45 percent of all Intensive Care Unit beds are occupied (-3%)

NOTE: Numbers are for all hospital patients in Washoe County and not just COVID-19 patients.

Residents urged to fill out screening questionnaire before COVID-19 vaccine appointment at Livestock Events Center

The Regional COVID-19 Response Team is urging residents who receive the COVID-19 vaccine at the Reno-Sparks Livestock Events Center (RSLEC) to fill out the screening questionnaire the day prior to your appointment.

The link to fill out the questionnaire only takes a few minutes and is emailed and texted to residents about 22 hours prior to their appointment time. Learn more by clicking this link.

Residents 16+ eligible for Free COVID-19 vaccine

Washoe County residents 16 years and older are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine and the Washoe County COVID-19 response team has launched a new scheduling platform that will allow residents to choose the brand of COVID-19 vaccine they want. Read more. Watch a tutorial video on how to schedule an appointment here.

Need a COVID-19 test? It’s easy to sign up and it’s free

COVID-19 testing is still available at the Livestock Events Center and can be scheduled online here (en español aqui) or by calling 775-328-2427. It’s free and it does not matter if you have symptoms or not.

Sign up for the COVID Trace App

COVID Trace is a contact tracing mobile app developed by the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services that uses a technology called the Exposure Notifications System from Google and Apple. The app exchanges anonymous information with other phones in your vicinity and can notify you if you’ve come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.See more here.

The COVID-19 Regional Information Center is working together to deliver COVID-19 community updates in a unified manner. While press releases are only sent periodically for significant events, you can always get daily results on our website, https://covid19washoe.com/, our COVID-19 Dashboard or by following us on Twitter @COVID19Washoe. The entities include: City of Reno, City of Sparks, North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, Regional Transportation Commission, REMSA, Reno Sparks Indian Colony, Reno Police Department, Reno Fire Department, Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District, University of Nevada, Reno, Washoe County, Washoe County Health District, Washoe County School District and Washoe County Sheriff’s Office. Also in the group are the area hospitals, Northern Nevada Medical Center, Renown Health and Saint Mary’s.