
Weekly COVID-19 Vaccine Community Newsletter – March 11, 2021

Weekly COVID-19 Vaccine Community Newsletter – March 11, 2021

March 11, 2021. Reno/Sparks, NV – The Regional Information Center is providing a COVID-19 vaccine community newsletter in Washoe County to help educate residents on the mass vaccination effort by the COVID-19 Response Team and community partners.

Update from the COVID-19 Response Team

Providers in Washoe County have administered 140,824 COVID-19 vaccines overall (53,141 second doses), with 16,559 doses administered between March 4-March 9, 2021. Visit the State of Nevada’s vaccine dashboard to see more.

CDC Guidance on Gatherings for Fully Vaccinated Persons

The Washoe County Health District agrees with the Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) guidance for gatherings when all people in the gathering are fully vaccinated. It’s important to remember that roughly 11 percent of Washoe County residents have been fully vaccinated so far and we’re still waiting for more vaccine to dispense to the community. In the meantime, we urge people to take precautions when interacting with those outside their own household and wear masks and continue to socially distance.

For more information on the CDC’s guidelines for fully-vaccinated people, click here.

Statewide survey shows that 73% of Nevadans are likely to get COVID-19 vaccine, once available

Researchers at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine (UNR Med), in partnership with the University of Nevada, Reno School of Community Health Sciences, Immunize Nevada and the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, released the latest findings from an ongoing study to learn what Nevadans think about COVID-19 vaccines, and their acceptance toward taking the vaccine – once one is available to them. Racial and ethnic populations are showing an increase in the likelihood they will receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Read more.

Can you choose which vaccine I want to receive? 

At this time, there is not an opportunity for residents to choose which of the three approved COVID-19 vaccines they receive. The vaccine that is available on the day of your appointment is the vaccine you will receive. Please remember that the COVID-19 vaccine is in limited supply, available by appointment only and must be distributed within a specific time frame otherwise it goes to waste.

Recommendations from the Washoe County Health District, the State and the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention advise people to get any vaccine that is available as all are shown to prevent contracting COVID-19 and being hospitalized from it.

More COVID-19 vaccine invites go to individuals 65 years and older

Individuals 65 years and older are continuing to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at the Reno-Sparks Livestock Events Center. Those in the category can use the online Washoe County Senior Covid-19 Vaccine Sign Up Form or call 775-328-2427 for assistance with signing up. If you received an email with the opportunity to schedule an appointment, please follow the instructions in the email to sign up for an appointment. Just because you receive the email doesn’t mean you have an appointment – you must schedule it.

The following partners also have information on the vaccine for those 65 years and older:

It was announced this week that CVS will start administering COVID-19 vaccines in Nevada. More information will be provided on this when we receive it.

Mask On. Move On.

Even if you’ve received the vaccine, please continue to wear your masks, social distance and wash your hands.

For all COVID-19 Vaccine questions, please visit our regional website, www.COVID19WashoeVaccine.com.

Please share: If you know of someone who wants to receive this newsletter, pass along the link to sign up. https://covid19washoe.com/signup/

The COVID-19 Regional Information Center is working together to deliver COVID-19 community updates in a unified manner. While press releases are only sent periodically for significant events, you can always get daily results on our website, https://covid19washoe.com/, our COVID-19 Dashboard or by following us on Twitter @COVID19Washoe. The entities include: City of Reno, City of Sparks, North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, Regional Transportation Commission, REMSA, Reno Sparks Indian Colony, Reno Police Department, Reno Fire Department, Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District, University of Nevada, Reno, Washoe County, Washoe County Health District, Washoe County School District and Washoe County Sheriff’s Office. Also in the group are the area hospitals, Northern Nevada Medical Center, Renown Health and Saint Mary’s.


2 COVID-19-related deaths, 47 new cases and 244 recoveries reported

2 COVID-19-related deaths, 47 new cases and 244 recoveries reported

March 10, 2021. Reno/Sparks, NV – The Regional Information Center is reporting two COVID-19-related deaths in Washoe County: A female in her 70s and a male in his 60s; both had an underlying health condition. There have been 651 COVID-19-related deaths in Washoe County since March 2020.

Additionally, we’re reporting 47 new COVID-19 cases in Washoe County with 244 recoveries. The active case count in Washoe County dropped below 3,000 for the first time since Nov. 5. The positivity rate in Washoe County is at 5 percent – comparatively, on Dec. 13, 2020, the positivity rate was at 21.4 percent.

  • Total COVID-19 cases in Washoe County: 43,312 (+47 from 3/9)
  • Deaths: 651 (+2)
  • Recovered: 39,803 (+244)
  • Active cases: 2,858 (-199)
  • Hospitalized with COVID-19*: 33 (-4)
  • Vaccines administered in Washoe County total**: 140,824 (+4,993 from 3/8)
  • Vaccines administered by Washoe County Health District***: 58,057 (+1,736 from 3/9)

*Data from Nevada Hospital Association includes residents from outside of Washoe County.

**This number includes first and second doses and is updated by the state of Nevada every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and can be found here under “Vaccinations” tab.

***This number is approximate and is only COVID-19 vaccines administered by the Health District. It includes first and second doses.

COVID-19 tests performed in Washoe County

  • Total number of COVID-19 tests performed in Washoe County as of March 10: 386,137 (+1,178 since 3/9)

Note: These figures are provided by the State of Nevada and can be found on the State Dashboard. COVID-19 tests may include non-Washoe County residents who were tested in Washoe County.

Hospital bed and ventilator information

According to the Nevada Hospital Association, in Washoe County as of March 10:

  • 69 percent staffed hospital beds are occupied (+5% since 3/9)
  • 66 percent of all licensed hospital beds are occupied (+5%)
  • 45 percent of all Intensive Care Unit beds are occupied (+1%)
  • 16 percent of all ventilators are in use (-2%)

NOTE: Numbers are for all hospital patients in Washoe County and not just COVID-19 patients.

Are you eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine because of where you work?

Did you know you can check to see if you are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine because of where you work? To find out, visit our Washoe County Essential Workforce Search here: https://gis.washoecounty.us/covidvaccine/search.

Type in your employer name to see and see which occupational category your employer is in (If you don’t see your employer, select the “Request to Participate” button and a representative will review your submission.) Then, see which priority lane in Washoe County is currently eligible to receive the vaccine by going here (the occupational groups that are highlighted in yellow are eligible). If your occupational group is highlighted, contact your employer to make sure you can receive the vaccine with this group.

Questions? Email COVIDVaccine@washoecounty.us.

Need a COVID-19 test? It’s easy to sign up and it’s free

COVID-19 testing is still available at the Livestock Events Center and can be scheduled online here (en español aqui) or by calling 775-328-2427. It’s free and it does not matter if you have symptoms or not.

Sign up for the COVID Trace App

COVID Trace is a contact tracing mobile app developed by the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services that uses a technology called the Exposure Notifications System from Google and Apple. The app exchanges anonymous information with other phones in your vicinity and can notify you if you’ve come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.See more here.

The COVID-19 Regional Information Center is working together to deliver COVID-19 community updates in a unified manner. While press releases are only sent periodically for significant events, you can always get daily results on our website, https://covid19washoe.com/, our COVID-19 Dashboard or by following us on Twitter @COVID19Washoe. The entities include: City of Reno, City of Sparks, North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, Regional Transportation Commission, REMSA, Reno Sparks Indian Colony, Reno Police Department, Reno Fire Department, Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District, University of Nevada, Reno, Washoe County, Washoe County Health District, Washoe County School District and Washoe County Sheriff’s Office. Also in the group are the area hospitals, Northern Nevada Medical Center, Renown Health and Saint Mary’s. 

Se reportan 2 muertes relacionadas con COVID-19, 47 nuevos casos, y 244 recuperaciones

Se reportan 2 muertes relacionadas con COVID-19, 47 nuevos casos, y 244 recuperaciones

Marzo 10, 2021. Reno/Sparks, NV – El Centro de Información reporta dos muertes relacionadas con COVID-19 en el Condado de Washoe:  Una mujer en sus 70s y un hombre en sus 60s; ambos con afecciones subyacentes.  Ha habido 651 muertes relacionadas con COVID-19 en el Condado de Washoe desde marzo 2020.

Adicionalmente, reportamos 47 nuevos casos de COVID-19 en el Condado de Washoe con 244 recuperaciones.  La cuenta de casos activos en el Condado de Washoe bajo a menos de 3,000 por primera vez desde el 5 de noviembre.  La tasa de positividad en el Condado de Washoe está al 5 porciento – comparativamente el 13 de diciembre, 2020, la tasa de positividad estaba al 21.4 porciento.

  • Total en casos de COVID-19 en el Condado de Washoe: 43,312 (+47 desde 3/9)
  • Muertes: 651 (+2)
  • Recuperados: 39,803 (+244)
  • Casos activos: 2,858 (-199)
  • Hospitalizados con COVID-19*: 33 (-4)
  • Total en vacunas administradas por el Condado de Washoe**: 140,824 (+4,993 desde 3/8)
  • Vacunas administradas por el Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe***: 58,057 (+1,736 desde 3/9)

*Los datos de la Asociación de Hospitales de Nevada (que no se actualizan los fines de semana) incluyen residentes fuera del Condado de Washoe.

**Esta cifra incluye primeras y segundas dosis y se actualiza por el estado de Nevada todos los miércoles y se puede encontrar aquí bajo la pestaña “Vacunaciones”.

*** Esta cifra es aproximada e incluye solo vacunas contra COVID-19 administradas por el Distrito de Salud e incluye primeras y segundas dosis.

Pruebas de COVID-19 realizadas en el Condado de Washoe 

  • Total en pruebas de COVID-19 realizadas en el Condado de Washoe desde el 10 de marzo: 386,137 (+1,178 desde 3/9)

Nota: Estas cifras son proporcionadas por el Estado de Nevada y se encuentran en el Boletín Estatal.  Las pruebas de COVID-19 podrían incluir residentes que no residen en el Condado de Washoe, pero recibieron una prueba en dicho Condado. 

Información sobre camas de hospital y ventiladores

Según la Asociación de Hospitales de Nevada, en el Condado de Washoe desde el 10 de marzo:

  • 69 porciento de las camas con personal están en uso (+5% desde 3/9)
  • 66 porciento de todas las camas con licencia están en uso (+5%)
  • 45 porciento de las camas de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos están en uso (+1%)
  • 16 porciento de los ventiladores están en uso (-2%)

NOTA: Estas cifras reflejan todos los pacientes hospitalizados del Condado de Washoe no se limita a pacientes de COVID-19.

¿Es usted elegible para vacunarse contra COVID-19 debido a donde trabaja?

¿Sabía usted que puede revisar si es eligible para vacunarse contra COVID-19 debido a donde trabaja?  Para saber más, visite nuestra Búsqueda de Fuerza laboral Esencial del Condado de Washoe aquí: https://gis.washoecounty.us/covidvaccine/search

Ingrese el nombre de su empleador para buscar y ver en qué categoría ocupacional esta su empleador (si usted no ve a su empleador, escoja el botón “Request to Paticipate” (Solicitar Participar) y un representante revisará su solicitud.)  Luego, busque el carril de prioridad en el Condado de Washoe que es actualmente elegible para vacunar visitando aquí (los grupos ocupacionales subrayadas en amarillo son elegibles).  Si su grupo ocupacional está subrayado, comuníquese con su empleador para asegurarse de que lo vacunen con ese grupo.

¿Preguntas? Mande un correo electrónico a COVIDVaccine@washoecounty.us.

¿Necesita una prueba de COVID-19? Es fácil inscribirse y es gratuito

Las pruebas de COVID-19 siguen disponibles en el Centro de Eventos Livestock y pueden programarse en línea aquí o llamando al 775-328-2427. Es gratuito y no importa si tiene o no síntomas.

Inscríbase para la Aplicación de Rastreo de COVID

Rastreo de COVID es una aplicación móvil para rastreo de contactos desarrollada por el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de Nevada que usa una tecnología conocida como Sistema de Notificaciones de Exposición de Google y Apple.  La aplicación intercambia información anónima con otros teléfonos a su alrededor y puede notificarle si ha tenido contacto con alguien que ha dado positivo para COVID-19.  Vea más aquí

El Centro Regional de Información de COVID-19 está trabajando para entregar actualizaciones a la comunidad sobre COVID-19 de manera unificada. Mientras que los publicados son enviados periódicamente para eventos significativos, siempre se pueden ver los resultados diarios en nuestro sitio, https://covid19washoe.com/, nuestro Boletín de COVID-19, y en Twitter @COVID19Washoe. Las agencias incluyen: Ciudad de Reno, Ciudad de Sparks, Distrito de Protección contra Incendios de North Lake Tahoe, Tribu Pyramid Lake Paiute, Comisión de Transporte Regional, REMSA, Colonia de Indios de Reno Sparks, Departamento de Policía de Reno, Departamento de Bomberos de Reno, Distrito de Protección contra Incendios de Truckee Meadows, Universidad de Nevada, Reno, el Condado de Washoe, el Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe, el Distrito Escolar del Condado de Washoe y la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Washoe. También en el grupo están los hospitales del área, el Centro Médico del Norte de Nevada, Renown Health y Saint Mary’s. 

38 new COVID-19 cases, 146 recoveries reported

38 new COVID-19 cases, 146 recoveries reported

March 9, 2021. Reno/Sparks, NV – The Regional Information Center is reporting 38 additional COVID-19 cases in Washoe County with 146 recoveries.

The Washoe County Health District administered 768 COVID-19 vaccines on Monday for a total 56,321. Renown Health has administered over 38,000 vaccines. The region’s fire agencies (Reno Fire Department, Sparks Fire Department and Truckee Meadows Fire & Rescue) have collectively administered more than 5,700 vaccines. See more numbers from community vaccine providers in Washoe County here.

  • Total COVID-19 cases in Washoe County: 43,265 (+38 from 3/8)
  • Deaths: 649 (+0)
  • Recovered: 39,559 (+146)
  • Active cases: 3,057 (-108)
  • Hospitalized with COVID-19*: 37 (+4 from 3/8)
  • Vaccines administered in Washoe County total**: 135,831 (+7,619 from 3/5)
  • Vaccines administered by Washoe County Health District***: 56,321 (+768 from 3/8)

*Data from Nevada Hospital Association includes residents from outside of Washoe County.

**This number includes first and second doses and is updated by the state of Nevada every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and can be found here under “Vaccinations” tab.

***This number is approximate and is only COVID-19 vaccines administered by the Health District. It includes first and second doses.

COVID-19 tests performed in Washoe County

  • Total number of COVID-19 tests performed in Washoe County as of March 9: 384,959 (+754 since 3/8)

Note: These figures are provided by the State of Nevada and can be found on the State Dashboard. COVID-19 tests may include non-Washoe County residents who were tested in Washoe County.

Hospital bed and ventilator information

According to the Nevada Hospital Association, in Washoe County as of March 9:

  • 64 percent staffed hospital beds are occupied (+0% since 3/8)
  • 61 percent of all licensed hospital beds are occupied (+0%)
  • 44 percent of all Intensive Care Unit beds are occupied (+4%)
  • 18 percent of all ventilators are in use (+1%)

NOTE: Numbers are for all hospital patients in Washoe County and not just COVID-19 patients.

Are you eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine because of where you work?

Did you know you can check to see if you are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine because of where you work? To find out, visit our Washoe County Essential Workforce Search here: https://gis.washoecounty.us/covidvaccine/search.

Type in your employer name to see and see which occupational category your employer is in (If you don’t see your employer, select the “Request to Participate” button and a representative will review your submission.) Then, see which priority lane in Washoe County is currently eligible to receive the vaccine by going here (the occupational groups that are highlighted in yellow are eligible). If your occupational group is highlighted, contact your employer to make sure you can receive the vaccine with this group.

Questions? Email COVIDVaccine@washoecounty.us.

Can I choose which COVID-19 vaccine I want to receive?

At this time, there is not an opportunity for residents to choose which of the three approved COVID-19 vaccines they receive at the Reno-Sparks Livestock Events Center. The vaccine that is available the day of your appointment is the vaccine you will receive.

Recommendations from the Washoe County Health District, the State and the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention advise people to get any vaccine that is available as all are shown to prevent contracting COVID-19 and being hospitalized from it.

More frequently asked COVID-19 questions can be found on the regional website, www.COVID19WashoeVaccine.com, including information on priority lanes and for COVID-19 vaccine for seniors.

Need a COVID-19 test? It’s easy to sign up and it’s free

COVID-19 testing is still available at the Livestock Events Center and can be scheduled online here (en español aqui) or by calling 775-328-2427. It’s free and it does not matter if you have symptoms or not.

Sign up for the COVID Trace App

COVID Trace is a contact tracing mobile app developed by the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services that uses a technology called the Exposure Notifications System from Google and Apple. The app exchanges anonymous information with other phones in your vicinity and can notify you if you’ve come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.See more here.

The COVID-19 Regional Information Center is working together to deliver COVID-19 community updates in a unified manner. While press releases are only sent periodically for significant events, you can always get daily results on our website, https://covid19washoe.com/, our COVID-19 Dashboard or by following us on Twitter @COVID19Washoe. The entities include: City of Reno, City of Sparks, North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, Regional Transportation Commission, REMSA, Reno Sparks Indian Colony, Reno Police Department, Reno Fire Department, Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District, University of Nevada, Reno, Washoe County, Washoe County Health District, Washoe County School District and Washoe County Sheriff’s Office. Also in the group are the area hospitals, Northern Nevada Medical Center, Renown Health and Saint Mary’s. 

Se reportan 38 nuevos casos de COVID-19 y 146 recuperaciones

Se reportan 38 nuevos casos de COVID-19 y 146 recuperaciones

Marzo 9, 2021. Reno/Sparks, NV – El Centro Regional de Información reporta 38 casos adicionales de COVID-19 en el Condado de Washoe con 146 recuperaciones.

El Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe administró 768 vacunas contra COVID-19 el lunes para un total de 56,321.  Renown Health administró más de 38,000 vacunas.  Las agencias de bomberos regionales (Bomberos de Reno, Bomberos de Sparks, e Incendios y Rescate de Truckee Meadows) han administrado más de 5,700 vacunas colectivamente.  Vea más cifras de los proveedores de vacunas comunitarios en el Condado de Washoe.

  • Total en casos de COVID-19 en el Condado de Washoe: 43,265 (+38 desde 3/8)
  • Muertes: 649 (+0)
  • Recuperados: 39,559 (+146)
  • Casos activos: 3,057 (-108)
  • Hospitalizados con COVID-19*: 37 (+4 desde 3/8)
  • Total en vacunas administradas por el Condado de Washoe**: 135,831 (+7,619 desde 3/5)
  • Vacunas administradas por el Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe***: 56,321 (+768 desde 3/8)

*Los datos de la Asociación de Hospitales de Nevada (que no se actualizan los fines de semana) incluyen residentes fuera del Condado de Washoe.

**Esta cifra incluye primeras y segundas dosis y se actualiza por el estado de Nevada todos los miércoles y se puede encontrar aquí bajo la pestaña “Vacunaciones”.

*** Esta cifra es aproximada e incluye solo vacunas contra COVID-19 administradas por el Distrito de Salud e incluye primeras y segundas dosis.

Pruebas de COVID-19 realizadas en el Condado de Washoe 

  • Total en pruebas de COVID-19 realizadas en el Condado de Washoe desde el 9 de marzo: 384,959 (+754 desde 3/8)

Nota: Estas cifras son proporcionadas por el Estado de Nevada y se encuentran en el Boletín Estatal.  Las pruebas de COVID-19 podrían incluir residentes que no residen en el Condado de Washoe, pero recibieron una prueba en dicho Condado.

Información sobre camas de hospital y ventiladores

Según la Asociación de Hospitales de Nevada, en el Condado de Washoe desde el 9 de marzo:

  • 64 porciento de las camas con personal están en uso (+0% desde 3/8)
  • 61 porciento de todas las camas con licencia están en uso (+0%)
  • 44 porciento de las camas de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos están en uso (+4%)
  • 18 porciento de los ventiladores están en uso (+1%)

NOTA: Estas cifras reflejan todos los pacientes hospitalizados del Condado de Washoe no se limita a pacientes de COVID-19.

¿Es usted elegible para vacunarse contra COVID-19 debido a donde trabaja?

¿Sabía usted que puede revisar si es eligible para vacunarse contra COVID-19 debido a donde trabaja?  Para saber más, visite nuestra Búsqueda de Fuerza laboral Esencial del Condado de Washoe aquí: https://gis.washoecounty.us/covidvaccine/search

Ingrese el nombre de su empleador para buscar y ver en que categoría ocupacional esta su empleador (si usted no ve a su empleador, escoja el botón “Request to Paticipate” (Solicitar Participar) y un representante revisará su solicitud.)  Luego, busque el carril de prioridad en el Condado de Washoe que es actualmente elegible para vacunar visitando aquí (los grupos ocupacionales subrayadas en amarillo son elegibles).  Si su grupo ocupacional está subrayado, comuníquese con su empleador para asegurarse de que lo vacunen con ese grupo.

¿Preguntas? Mande un correo electrónico a COVIDVaccine@washoecounty.us.

¿Puedo escoger cual vacuna contra COVID-19 quiero recibir?

En este momento, no hay oportunidad para que residentes escojan cuál de las tres vacunas contra COVID-19 aprobadas quieren recibir en el Centro de Eventos Livestock de Reno-Sparks.  La vacuna que esté disponible el día de su cita es la vacuna que recibirá. 

Las recomendaciones del Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe, el estado, y los Centros de Control y Prevención de Enfermedades aconsejan que se vacune con cualquier de las vacunas disponibles, ya que todas han mostrado prevenir el contraer COVID-19 y ser hospitalizado debido a ello.

Las preguntas sobre COVID-19 más frecuentes pueden encontrarse en nuestro sitio web regional, www.COVID19WashoeVaccine.com, incluyendo información sobre carriles de prioridad y para la vacuna contra cOVID-19 para los de edad avanzada.

¿Necesita una prueba de COVID-19? Es fácil inscribirse y es gratuito

Las pruebas de COVID-19 siguen disponibles en el Centro de Eventos Livestock y pueden programarse en línea aquí o llamando al 775-328-2427. Es gratuito y no importa si tiene o no síntomas.

Inscríbase para la Aplicación de Rastreo de COVID

Rastreo de COVID es una aplicación móvil para rastreo de contactos desarrollada por el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de Nevada que usa una tecnología conocida como Sistema de Notificaciones de Exposición de Google y Apple.  La aplicación intercambia información anónima con otros teléfonos a su alrededor y puede notificarle si ha tenido contacto con alguien que ha dado positivo para COVID-19.  Vea más aquí

El Centro Regional de Información de COVID-19 está trabajando para entregar actualizaciones a la comunidad sobre COVID-19 de manera unificada. Mientras que los publicados son enviados periódicamente para eventos significativos, siempre se pueden ver los resultados diarios en nuestro sitio, https://covid19washoe.com/, nuestro Boletín de COVID-19, y en Twitter @COVID19Washoe. Las agencias incluyen: Ciudad de Reno, Ciudad de Sparks, Distrito de Protección contra Incendios de North Lake Tahoe, Tribu Pyramid Lake Paiute, Comisión de Transporte Regional, REMSA, Colonia de Indios de Reno Sparks, Departamento de Policía de Reno, Departamento de Bomberos de Reno, Distrito de Protección contra Incendios de Truckee Meadows, Universidad de Nevada, Reno, el Condado de Washoe, el Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe, el Distrito Escolar del Condado de Washoe y la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Washoe. También en el grupo están los hospitales del área, el Centro Médico del Norte de Nevada, Renown Health y Saint Mary’s