
3 COVID-19-related deaths, 25 new cases and 246 recoveries reported

3 COVID-19-related deaths, 25 new cases and 246 recoveries reported

Feb. 16, 2021. Reno/Sparks, NV – The Regional Information Center is reporting three COVID-19-related deaths in Washoe County: Three females, ages in their 60s, 70 and 80s, and all had an underlying health condition. There have been 633 total COVID-19-related deaths since March 2020.

Additionally, we’re reporting 25 new COVID-19 cases and 246 recoveries. For more COVID-19 disease data in Washoe County, see our dashboard.

The Washoe County Health District administered 1,340 additional COVID-19 vaccines on Monday (737 second doses) and 36,432 overall. All first doses administered yesterday went to seniors 70 years and older, and many were from underserved zip codes as determined by the Washoe County Community Health Needs Assessment.

  • Total COVID-19 cases in Washoe County: 42,409 (+25 from 2/15)
  • Deaths: 633 (+3)
  • Recovered: 35,024 (+246)
  • Active cases: 6,752 (-224)
  • Hospitalized with COVID-19*: 70 (+11)
  • Vaccines administered in Washoe County total**: 75,432 (+16,559 from 2/3)
  • Vaccines administered by Washoe County Health District***: 36,432 (+1,340 from 2/15)

*Data from Nevada Hospital Association (not updated on weekends or holidays) includes residents from outside of Washoe County.

**This number includes first and second doses and is updated by the state of Nevada every Wednesday and can be found here under “Vaccinations” tab.

***This number is approximate and is only COVID-19 vaccines administered by the Health District. It includes first and second doses.

COVID-19 tests performed in Washoe County

  • Total number of COVID-19 tests performed in Washoe County as of February 16: 362,966 (+424 since 2/15)

Note: These figures are provided by the State of Nevada and can be found on the State Dashboard. COVID-19 tests may include non-Washoe County residents who were tested in Washoe County.

Hospital bed and ventilator information

According to the Nevada Hospital Association, in Washoe County as of February 16 (Numbers not updated on weekends):

  • 65 percent staffed hospital beds are occupied (+1% since 2/15)
  • 63 percent of all licensed hospital beds are occupied (+1%)
  • 43 percent of all Intensive Care Unit beds are occupied (+0%)
  • 13 percent of all ventilators are in use (-7%)

NOTE: Numbers are for all hospital patients in Washoe County and not just COVID-19 patients.

New COVID-19 vaccine dashboard launched

The Regional Information Center has launched a new COVID-19 vaccine dashboard that details how many vaccine doses have been administered by Washoe County providers, except for some pharmacies. The new dashboard can be viewed here and is on the www.COVID19WashoeVaccine.com website. The data is intended to be supplementary to the COVID-19 vaccine data posted by the State of Nevada (view here). The data is updated by the provider and has not necessarily been entered into the state’s immunization record platform, WebIZ, at the time of reporting. 

Need a COVID-19 test? It’s easy to sign up and it’s free

COVID-19 testing is still available at the Livestock Events Center and can be scheduled online here (en español aqui) or by calling 775-328-2427. It’s free and it does not matter if you have symptoms or not.

Know a Senior 70+? Help them get the COVID-19 vaccine

More than 6,000 seniors 70 years and older who signed up for the Washoe County Senior COVID-19 vaccine list have been invited to schedule an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccine. As a way to serve more equitably, most of those who were invited live in zip codes identified by the Washoe County Community Health Needs Assessment as most needy in terms of socioeconomic status and health outcomes. The top five zip code codes are 89431, 89433, 89501, 89502 and 89512.

If you know a senior who is interested in receiving a vaccine, whether it’s your family member, friend, coworker, neighbor, etc., we encourage you to reach out to them to see if they need help. It’s important that those 70 years and older who might have difficulty using technology get help to understand the process.

There are reports of some email invitations going to spam folders so it’s important to check all folders. It’s also important to know that just because you received an email, it doesn’t mean you’re signed up; you still need to sign up and schedule the appointment time.

Those on the list are asked to check their email inbox or their phone voicemail to see if they were selected. If there are any issues, please call 775-328-2427 or email covidvaccine@washoecounty.us. You can sign up for the senior wait list here, or see other options to receive the vaccine for seniors 70+ here.

The vaccine remains in short supply, but community organizations are working diligently to schedule seniors 70 and older, as well as vaccinate those eligible as part of the frontline/essential workforce. See the priority groups, per the State’s COVID-19 Playbook, here.

The COVID-19 Regional Information Center is working together to deliver COVID-19 community updates in a unified manner. While press releases are only sent periodically for significant events, you can always get daily results on our website, https://covid19washoe.com/, our COVID-19 Dashboard or by following us on Twitter @COVID19Washoe. The entities include: City of Reno, City of Sparks, North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, Regional Transportation Commission, REMSA, Reno Sparks Indian Colony, Reno Police Department, Reno Fire Department, Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District, University of Nevada, Reno, Washoe County, Washoe County Health District, Washoe County School District and Washoe County Sheriff’s Office. Also in the group are the area hospitals, Northern Nevada Medical Center, Renown Health and Saint Mary’s. 

Se reportan 3 muertes relacionadas con COVID-19, 25 nuevos casos, y 246 recuperaciones

Se reportan 3 muertes relacionadas con COVID-19, 25 nuevos casos, y 246 recuperaciones

Feb. 16, 2021. Reno/Sparks, NV – El Centro de Información Regional reporta tres muertes relacionadas con COVID-19 en el Condado de Washoe:  Tres mujeres, en sus 60s, 70s y 80s, y todas con afecciones subyacentes.  Ha habido 633 muertes relaciones con COVID-19 en total desde marzo 2020.

Adicionalmente, reportamos 25 nuevos casos de COVID-19 y 246 recuperaciones.  Para más información sobre la vacuna contra COVID-19, visite nuestro sitio web www.COVID19WashoeVaccine.com.

El Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe administró 1,340 vacunas contra COVID-19 el lunes (de estas 737 fueron segundas dosis) y 36,432 en general.  Todas las primer dosis fueron administradas a personas de 70 años para arriba, y muchas fueron a los códigos postales que se determinaron subatendidos por el Asesoramiento de Necesidades de Salud Comunitarias del Condado de Washoe.

  • Total en casos de COVID-19 en el Condado de Washoe: 42,409 (+25 desde 2/15)
  • Muertes: 633 (+3)
  • Recuperados: 35,024 (+246)
  • Casos activos: 6,752 (-224)
  • Hospitalizados con COVID-19*: 70 (+11)
  • Total en vacunas administradas por el Condado de Washoe**: 75,432 (+16,559 from 2/3)
  • Vacunas administradas por el Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe***: 36,432 (+1,340 desde 2/15)

*Los datos de la Asociación de Hospitales de Nevada (que no se actualizan los fines de semana) incluyen residentes fuera del Condado de Washoe.

**Esta cifra incluye primeras y segundas dosis y se actualiza por el estado de Nevada todos los miércoles y se puede encontrar aquí bajo la pestaña “Vacunaciones”.

*** Esta cifra es aproximada e incluye solo vacunas contra COVID-19 administradas por el Distrito de Salud e incluye primeras y segundas dosis.

Pruebas de COVID-19 realizadas en el Condado de Washoe 

  • Total en pruebas de COVID-19 realizadas en el Condado de Washoe desde el 16 de febrero: 362,966 (+424 desde 2/15)

Nota: Estas cifras son proporcionadas por el Estado de Nevada y se encuentran en el Boletín Estatal.  Las pruebas de COVID-19 podrían incluir residentes que no residen en el Condado de Washoe, pero recibieron una prueba en dicho Condado.

Información sobre camas de hospital y ventiladores

Según la Asociación de Hospitales de Nevada, en el Condado de Washoe desde el 16 de febrero (Estas cifras no se actualizan los fines de semana/días festivos):

  • 65 porciento de las camas con personal están en uso (+1% desde 2/15)
  • 63 porciento de todas las camas con licencia están en uso (+1%)
  • 43 porciento de las camas de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos están en uso (+0%)
  • 13 porciento de los ventiladores están en uso (-7%)

NOTA: Estas cifras reflejan todos los pacientes hospitalizados del Condado de Washoe no se limita a pacientes de COVID-19.

Se lanza el nuevo Boletín de la vacuna contra COVID-19

El Centro de Información Regional ha lanzado su nuevo Boletín de la vacuna contra COVID-19 que detalla cuantas dosis de la vacuna han sido administradas por los proveedores del Condado de Washoe, a excepción de algunas farmacias. El nuevo boletín puede verse aquí y se puede encontrar en el sitio web www.COVID19WashoeVaccine.com.  Los datos están intencionados a ser complementarios a los datos publicados sobre la vacuna contra COVID-19 por el Estado de Nevada (vea aquí).  Los datos son actualizados por el proveedor y no necesariamente se han introducido a la plataforma de registros de vacunas del estado, WebIZ, en el momento de este reportaje.

¿Necesita una prueba de COVID-19? Es fácil inscribirse y es gratuito

Las pruebas de COVID-19 siguen disponibles en el Centro de Eventos Livestock y pueden programarse en línea aquí o llamando al 775-328-2427. Es gratuito y no importa si tiene o no síntomas.

¿Conoce a alguien de 70 años para arriba? Ayúdeles a vacunarse contra COVID-19

Mas de 5,000 personas de edad avanzada de 70 años para arriba que se inscribieron en la lista de vacunas contra COVID-19 del Condado de Washoe han sido invitadas a programar su cita para vacunarse contra COVID-19.  Con el fin de ser equitativos, la mayoría de lo que fueron invitados residen en códigos postales identificados, por un Asesoramiento de Necesidades de Salud Comunitarias del Condado de Washoe, como los más necesitados en términos de estatus socioeconómico y los resultados de salud.  Los códigos postales principales son 89431, 89433, 89501, 89502 and 89512.

Si conoce a alguien de edad avanzada que esté interesado en vacunarse, sea un miembro familiar, un amigo, compañero de trabajo, vecino, etc., le encomiamos a que les ofrezca su ayuda.  Es importante que aquellos de 70 años o mayores que tienen dificultad en usar la tecnología reciban ayuda para entender el proceso. 

Hay reportes de que algunas invitaciones electrónicas se han depositado en el folder de spam así que es importante revisar todos los folders de su correo electrónico.  Es igual de importante saber que no porque ha recibido una invitación, automáticamente significa que está registrado; todavía debe inscribirse y programar su cita.

Se pide a aquellos que están en la lista que revisen su buzón de correos electrónicos o su buzón de voz para ver si han sido seleccionados.  Si hay algún problema, favor de llamar at 775-328-2427 o envié un correo a covidvaccine@washoecounty.us.  Usted puede inscribirse para la lista de espera para los de edad avanzada aquí, o vea otras opciones para recibir la vacuna para los de 70 años o mayores aquí.

La vacuna sigue escasa, pero las organizaciones comunitarias están trabajando diligentemente para programar a los de edad avanzada de 70 años para arriba, al igual que vacunar aquellos que son eligibles por la fuerza laboral de primera línea/esenciales.  Vea los grupos prioritarios, según el Playbook de COVID-19 del estado, aquí.

El Centro Regional de Información de COVID-19 está trabajando para entregar actualizaciones a la comunidad sobre COVID-19 de manera unificada. Mientras que los publicados son enviados periódicamente para eventos significativos, siempre se pueden ver los resultados diarios en nuestro sitio, https://covid19washoe.com/, nuestro Boletín de COVID-19, y en Twitter @COVID19Washoe. Las agencias incluyen: Ciudad de Reno, Ciudad de Sparks, Distrito de Protección contra Incendios de North Lake Tahoe, Tribu Pyramid Lake Paiute, Comisión de Transporte Regional, REMSA, Colonia de Indios de Reno Sparks, Departamento de Policía de Reno, Departamento de Bomberos de Reno, Distrito de Protección contra Incendios de Truckee Meadows, Universidad de Nevada, Reno, el Condado de Washoe, el Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe, el Distrito Escolar del Condado de Washoe y la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Washoe. También en el grupo están los hospitales del área, el Centro Médico del Norte de Nevada, Renown Health y Saint Mary’s.

2 COVID-19-related deaths, 24 cases, 257 recoveries reported

2 COVID-19-related deaths, 24 cases, 257 recoveries reported

Feb. 15, 2021. Reno/Sparks, NV – The Regional Information Center is reporting two additional COVID-19-related deaths in Washoe County: A female in her 90s and a male in his 70s; both had an underlying health condition. There have been 630 COVID-19-related deaths in Washoe County since March 2020.

Additionally, we’re reporting 24 new COVID-19 cases in Washoe County and 257 recoveries.

The Regional Information Center has launched a new COVID-19 vaccine dashboard that details how many vaccine doses have been administered by Washoe County providers, except for some pharmacies. The new dashboard can be viewed here and is on the www.COVID19WashoeVaccine.com website. The data is intended to be supplementary to the COVID-19 vaccine data posted by the State of Nevada (view here). The data is updated by the provider and has not necessarily been entered into the state’s immunization record platform, WebIZ, at the time of reporting. 

  • Total COVID-19 cases in Washoe County: 42,384 (+24 from 2/14)
  • Deaths: 630 (+2)
  • Recovered: 34,778 (+257)
  • Active cases: 6,976 (-235)
  • Hospitalized with COVID-19*: 59 (-11)
  • Vaccines administered in Washoe County total**: 75,432 (+16,559 from 2/3)
  • Vaccines administered by Washoe County Health District***: 35,092 (+0 from 2/14)

*Data from Nevada Hospital Association (not updated on weekends or holidays) includes residents from outside of Washoe County.

**This number includes first and second doses and is updated by the state of Nevada every Wednesday and can be found here under “Vaccinations” tab.

***This number is approximate and is only COVID-19 vaccines administered by the Health District. It includes first and second doses.

COVID-19 tests performed in Washoe County

  • Total number of COVID-19 tests performed in Washoe County as of February 15: 362,542 (+723 since 2/14)

Note: These figures are provided by the State of Nevada and can be found on the State Dashboard. COVID-19 tests may include non-Washoe County residents who were tested in Washoe County.

Hospital bed and ventilator information

According to the Nevada Hospital Association, in Washoe County as of February 15 (Numbers not updated on weekends):

  • 64 percent staffed hospital beds are occupied (-9% since 2/12)
  • 62 percent of all licensed hospital beds are occupied (-7%)
  • 43 percent of all Intensive Care Unit beds are occupied (-10%)
  • 20 percent of all ventilators are in use (+0%)

NOTE: Numbers are for all hospital patients in Washoe County and not just COVID-19 patients.

Know a Senior 70+? Help them get the COVID-19 vaccine

More than 6,000 seniors 70 years and older who signed up for the Washoe County Senior COVID-19 vaccine list have been invited to schedule an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccine. As a way to serve more equitably, most of those who were invited live in zip code identified by the Washoe County Community Health Needs Assessment as most needy in terms of socioeconomic status and health outcomes. The top five zip code codes are 89431, 89433, 89501, 89502 and 89512.

If you know a senior who is interested in receiving a vaccine, whether it’s your family member, friend, coworker, neighbor, etc., we encourage you to reach out to them to see if they need help. It’s important that those 70 years and older who might have difficulty using technology get help to understand the process.

There are reports of some email invitations going to spam folders so it’s important to check all folders. It’s also important to know that just because you received an email, it doesn’t mean you’re signed up; you still need to sign up and schedule the appointment time.

Those on the list are asked to check their email inbox or their phone voicemail to see if they were selected. If there are any issues, please call 775-328-2427 or email covidvaccine@washoecounty.us. You can sign up for the senior wait list here, or see other options to receive the vaccine for seniors 70+ here.

The vaccine remains in short supply, but community organizations are working diligently to schedule seniors 70 and older, as well as vaccinate those eligible as part of the frontline/essential workforce. See the priority groups, per the State’s COVID-19 Playbook, here.

Symptoms from second dose of COVID-19 vaccine can be more severe than first

The Washoe County Health District, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), are reminding people that early reports indicate the second dose of the vaccine can lead to more side effects than the first.

Side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine are normal signs that your body is building protection from the virus. For some, they will be unpleasant, especially the second dose, but they are temporary. Others have reported little to no side effects.

Some of the common side effects from the vaccine are fever, chills, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, joint pain and nausea. If you have a severe reaction, seek immediate medical attention.

For an informational sheet about the COVID-19 Vaccine side effects, and what you can do to reduce pain and discomfort, see the file here.

The COVID-19 Regional Information Center is working together to deliver COVID-19 community updates in a unified manner. While press releases are only sent periodically for significant events, you can always get daily results on our website, https://covid19washoe.com/, our COVID-19 Dashboard or by following us on Twitter @COVID19Washoe. The entities include: City of Reno, City of Sparks, North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, Regional Transportation Commission, REMSA, Reno Sparks Indian Colony, Reno Police Department, Reno Fire Department, Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District, University of Nevada, Reno, Washoe County, Washoe County Health District, Washoe County School District and Washoe County Sheriff’s Office. Also in the group are the area hospitals, Northern Nevada Medical Center, Renown Health and Saint Mary’s. 

82 additional COVID-19 cases, no COVID-19-related deaths reported

82 additional COVID-19 cases, no COVID-19-related deaths reported

Feb. 14, 2021. Reno/Sparks, NV – The Regional Information Center is reporting 82 additional COVID-19 cases and 205 recoveries. No COVID-19-related deaths were reported today.

The Washoe County Health District (WCHD) administered 1,250 COVID-19 vaccines on Saturday (2 second doses). A majority of doses went to seniors 70 and older who signed up for the senior waiting list. Overall, WCHD has administered 35,092 (12,709 second doses). For more COVID-19 vaccine information, visit our website www.COVID19WashoeVaccine.com.

Free COVID-19 testing is still available at the Livestock Events Center and can be scheduled online here (en español aqui) or by calling 775-328-2427.

  • Total COVID-19 cases in Washoe County: 42,360 (+82 from 2/13)
  • Deaths: 628 (+0)
  • Recovered: 34,521 (+205)
  • Active cases: 7,211 (-123)
  • Hospitalized with COVID-19*: 70 (+0)
  • Vaccines administered in Washoe County total**: 75,432 (+16,559 from 2/3)
  • Vaccines administered by Washoe County Health District***: 35,092 (+1,250 from 2/13)

*Data from Nevada Hospital Association (not updated on weekends or holidays) includes residents from outside of Washoe County.

**This number includes first and second doses and is updated by the state of Nevada every Wednesday and can be found here under “Vaccinations” tab.

***This number is approximate and is only COVID-19 vaccines administered by the Health District. It includes first and second doses.

COVID-19 tests performed in Washoe County

  • Total number of COVID-19 tests performed in Washoe County as of February 14: 361,819 (+1,121 since 2/13)

Note: These figures are provided by the State of Nevada and can be found on the State Dashboard. COVID-19 tests may include non-Washoe County residents who were tested in Washoe County.

Hospital bed and ventilator information

According to the Nevada Hospital Association, in Washoe County as of February 12 (Numbers not updated on weekends/holidays):

  • 73 percent staffed hospital beds are occupied (+4% since 2/11)
  • 69 percent of all licensed hospital beds are occupied (+3%)
  • 53 percent of all Intensive Care Unit beds are occupied (+2%)
  • 20 percent of all ventilators are in use (-1%)

NOTE: Numbers are for all hospital patients in Washoe County and not just COVID-19 patients.

Know a Senior 70+? Help them get the COVID-19 vaccine

More than 6,000 seniors 70 years and older who signed up for the Washoe County Senior COVID-19 vaccine list have been invited to schedule an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccine. As a way to serve more equitably, most of those who were invited live in zip code identified by the Washoe County Community Health Needs Assessment as most needy in terms of socioeconomic status and health outcomes. The top five zip code codes are 89431, 89433, 89501, 89502 and 89512.

If you know a senior who is interested in receiving a vaccine, whether it’s your family member, friend, coworker, neighbor, etc., we encourage you to reach out to them to see if they need help. It’s important that those 70 years and older who might have difficulty using technology get help to understand the process.

There are reports of some email invitations going to spam folders so it’s important to check all folders. It’s also important to know that just because you received an email, it doesn’t mean you’re signed up; you still need to sign up and schedule the appointment time.

Those on the list are asked to check their email inbox or their phone voicemail to see if they were selected. If there are any issues, please call 775-328-2427 or email covidvaccine@washoecounty.us. You can sign up for the senior wait list here, or see other options to receive the vaccine for seniors 70+ here.

The vaccine remains in short supply, but community organizations are working diligently to schedule seniors 70 and older, as well as vaccinate those eligible as part of the frontline/essential workforce. See the priority groups, per the State’s COVID-19 Playbook, here.

Symptoms from second dose of COVID-19 vaccine can be more severe than first

The Washoe County Health District, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), are reminding people that early reports indicate the second dose of the vaccine can lead to more side effects than the first.

Side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine are normal signs that your body is building protection from the virus. For some, they will be unpleasant, especially the second dose, but they are temporary. Others have reported little to no side effects.

Some of the common side effects from the vaccine are fever, chills, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, joint pain and nausea. If you have a severe reaction, seek immediate medical attention.

For an informational sheet about the COVID-19 Vaccine side effects, and what you can do to reduce pain and discomfort, see the file here.

The COVID-19 Regional Information Center is working together to deliver COVID-19 community updates in a unified manner. While press releases are only sent periodically for significant events, you can always get daily results on our website, https://covid19washoe.com/, our COVID-19 Dashboard or by following us on Twitter @COVID19Washoe. The entities include: City of Reno, City of Sparks, North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, Regional Transportation Commission, REMSA, Reno Sparks Indian Colony, Reno Police Department, Reno Fire Department, Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District, University of Nevada, Reno, Washoe County, Washoe County Health District, Washoe County School District and Washoe County Sheriff’s Office. Also in the group are the area hospitals, Northern Nevada Medical Center, Renown Health and Saint Mary’s. 

Se reportan 82 casos adicionales de COVID-19 y ningún fallecimiento debido a COVID-19

Se reportan 82 casos adicionales de COVID-19 y ningún fallecimiento debido a COVID-19

Feb. 14, 2021. Reno/Sparks, NV – El Centro de Información Regional reporta 82 casos adicionales de COVID-19 y 205 recuperaciones.  No se reporta ningún fallecimiento debido a COVID-19 hoy.

El Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe administró 1,250 vacunas contra COVID-19 el sábado (de estas 2 fueron segundas dosis).  La mayoría de dosis fueron administradas a personas de 70 años para arriba que se inscribieron en la lista de espera.  En general, el Distrito de Salud ha administrado 35,092 vacunas (de estas 12,709 fueron segundas dosis). Para más información sobre la vacuna contra COVID-19, visite nuestro sitio web www.COVID19WashoeVaccine.com.

Las pruebas de COVID-19 siguen disponibles en el Centro de Eventos Livestock y pueden programarse en línea aquí o llamando al 775-328-2427.

  • Total en casos de COVID-19 en el Condado de Washoe: 42,360 (+82 desde 2/13)
  • Muertes: 628 (+0)
  • Recuperadas: 34,521 (+205)
  • Casos activos: 7,211 (-123)
  • Hospitalizados con COVID-19*: 70 (+0)
  • Total en vacunas administradas por el Condado de Washoe **: 75,432 (+16,559 desde 2/3)
  • Vacunas administradas por el Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe***: 35,092 (+1,250 desde 2/13)

*Los datos de la Asociación de Hospitales de Nevada (que no se actualizan los fines de semana) incluyen residentes fuera del Condado de Washoe.

**Esta cifra incluye primeras y segundas dosis y se actualiza por el estado de Nevada todos los miércoles y se puede encontrar aquí bajo la pestaña “Vacunaciones”.

*** Esta cifra es aproximada e incluye solo vacunas contra COVID-19 administradas por el Distrito de Salud e incluye primeras y segundas dosis.

Pruebas de COVID-19 realizadas en el Condado de Washoe 

  • Total en pruebas de COVID-19 realizadas en el Condado de Washoe desde el 14 de febrero: 361,819 (+1,121 desde 2/13)

Nota: Estas cifras son proporcionadas por el Estado de Nevada y se encuentran en el Boletín Estatal.  Las pruebas de COVID-19 podrían incluir residentes que no residen en el Condado de Washoe, pero recibieron una prueba en dicho Condado.

Información sobre camas de hospital y ventiladores

Según la Asociación de Hospitales de Nevada, en el Condado de Washoe desde el 12 de febrero (Estas cifras no se actualizan los fines de semana/días festivos):

  • 73 porciento de las camas con personal están en uso (+4% desde 2/11)
  • 69 porciento de todas las camas con licencia están en uso (+3%)
  • 53 porciento de las camas de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos están en uso (+2%)
  • 20 porciento de los ventiladores están en uso (-1%)

NOTA: Estas cifras reflejan todos los pacientes hospitalizados del Condado de Washoe no se limita a pacientes de COVID-19.

¿Conoce a alguien de 70 años para arriba? Ayúdeles a vacunarse contra COVID-19

Mas de 5,000 personas de edad avanzada de 70 años para arriba que se inscribieron en la lista de vacunas contra COVID-19 del Condado de Washoe han sido invitadas a programar su cita para vacunarse contra COVID-19.  Con el fin de ser equitativos, la mayoría de lo que fueron invitados residen en códigos postales identificados, por un Asesoramiento de Necesidades de Salud Comunitarias del Condado de Washoe, como los más necesitados en términos de estatus socioeconómico y los resultados de salud.  Los códigos postales principales son 89431, 89433, 89501, 89502 and 89512.

Si conoce a alguien de edad avanzada que esté interesado en vacunarse, sea un miembro familiar, un amigo, compañero de trabajo, vecino, etc., le encomiamos a que les ofrezca su ayuda.  Es importante que aquellos de 70 años o mayores que tienen dificultad en usar la tecnología reciban ayuda para entender el proceso. 

Hay reportes de que algunas invitaciones electrónicas se han depositado en el folder de spam así que es importante revisar todos los folders de su correo electrónico.  Es igual de importante saber que no porque ha recibido una invitación, automáticamente significa que está registrado; todavía debe inscribirse y programar su cita.

Se pide a aquellos que están en la lista que revisen su buzón de correos electrónicos o su buzón de voz para ver si han sido seleccionados.  Si hay algún problema, favor de llamar at 775-328-2427 o envié un correo a covidvaccine@washoecounty.us.  Usted puede inscribirse para la lista de espera para los de edad avanzada aquí, o vea otras opciones para recibir la vacuna para los de 70 años o mayores aquí.

La vacuna sigue escasa, pero las organizaciones comunitarias están trabajando diligentemente para programar a los de edad avanzada de 70 años para arriba, al igual que vacunar aquellos que son eligibles por la fuerza laboral de primera línea/esenciales.  Vea los grupos prioritarios, según el Playbook de COVID-19 del estado, aquí.

Síntomas de la segunda dosis de la vacuna contra COVID-19 pueden ser más severos que los de la primera dosis

El Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe, y los Centros para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC), recuerdan los informes indican que la segunda dosis puede conducir a más efectos secundarios que la primera dosis.

Efectos secundarios de la vacuna contra COVID-19 son señales normales de que su cuerpo está construyendo protección contra el virus.  No serán agradables para algunos, especialmente la segunda dosis, pero son temporales.  Otros no han reportado efectos secundarios.

Algunos de los sintomas más comunes de la vacuna son fiebre, escalofríos, cansancio, dolores de cabeza, dolor muscular, dolor articular (coyunturas), y nausea.  Si usted tiene una reacción severa, busque atención medica inmediatamente.

Para una hoja informacional sobre los efectos secundarios de la vacuna contra COVID-19, y que hacer para reducir el dolor y el malestar, vea el documento aquí.

El Centro Regional de Información de COVID-19 está trabajando para entregar actualizaciones a la comunidad sobre COVID-19 de manera unificada. Mientras que los publicados son enviados periódicamente para eventos significativos, siempre se pueden ver los resultados diarios en nuestro sitio, https://covid19washoe.com/, nuestro Boletín de COVID-19, y en Twitter @COVID19Washoe. Las agencias incluyen: Ciudad de Reno, Ciudad de Sparks, Distrito de Protección contra Incendios de North Lake Tahoe, Tribu Pyramid Lake Paiute, Comisión de Transporte Regional, REMSA, Colonia de Indios de Reno Sparks, Departamento de Policía de Reno, Departamento de Bomberos de Reno, Distrito de Protección contra Incendios de Truckee Meadows, Universidad de Nevada, Reno, el Condado de Washoe, el Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe, el Distrito Escolar del Condado de Washoe y la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Washoe. También en el grupo están los hospitales del área, el Centro Médico del Norte de Nevada, Renown Health y Saint Mary’s.