
Mayores de 16 años con enfermedades subyacentes ahora son elegibles para recibir la vacuna contra el COVID-19

Mayores de  16 años con enfermedades subyacentes ahora son elegibles para recibir la vacuna contra el COVID-19

Farmacias locales estarán administrando vacunas a residentes quienes forman parte de este grupo

22 de marzo, 2021. Reno/Sparks, NV – A partir de hoy, los residentes del condado de Washoe mayores de 16 años con una condición médica que aumente su riesgo de enfermarse gravemente por COVID-19  pueden comenzar a recibir las vacunas del COVID-19 en las farmacias del área. Por ahora, el Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe continuará vacunando a los nevadenses elegibles dentro del carril de Trabajadores de Primera Línea / Esenciales y a las personas mayores de 65 años en el Centro de Evento Livestock de Reno-Sparks.

Farmacias del Condado de Washoe en el Programa Federal de Farmacias Minoristas incluyen:

Las condiciones de salud subyacentes que hacen que una persona de 16 años o más sea elegible, según el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de Nevada, incluyen:

  • Cáncer
  • Enfermedad renal crónica
  • EPOC (enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica)
  • Síndrome de Down
  • Afecciones cardíacas (insuficiencia cardíaca, enfermedad de las arterias coronarias o miocardiopatías)
  • Inmunodeprimido (sistema inmunológico debilitado) por trasplante de órganos sólidos
  • Obesidad (índice de masa corporal [IMC] de 30 kg / m2 o más, pero <40 kg / m2)
  • Obesidad severa (IMC> 40 kg / m2)
  • El embarazo
  • Anemia drepanocítica
  • De fumar
  • Diabetes mellitus tipo 2

Más información sobre el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos puede ser encontrado aquí.

Para obtener más información sobre las condiciones de salud subyacentes y las vacunas COVID-19 en el condado de Washoe, por favor llame al centro de llamadas COVID-19 del estado al 1-800-401-0946. El horario de atención es de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. siete días a la semana.

El Gobernador Steve Sisolak anunció el 17 de marzo del 2021 que las oportunidades de vacunación para esa población serían elegibles solamente a través del Programa de farmacia minorista. Las autoridades de salud locales, que incluyen el Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe, continuarán vacunando solo a los nevadenses elegibles dentro del Carril de Trabajadores de Primera Línea / Esenciales y a las personas mayores de 65 años.

IMPORTANTE: Quienes reciban su vacuna en el Reno-Sparks Livestock Events Center deben tener una cita.Puede encontrar más información sobre la vacuna COVID-19 en el condado de Washoe en nuestro sitio web. https://covid19washoe.com/espanol/

El Centro de Información Regional COVID-19 está trabajando en conjunto para entregar actualizaciones de la comunidad COVID-19 de manera unificada. Mientras los comunicados de prensa solo se envían periódicamente para eventos importantes, siempre puede obtener resultados diarios en nuestro sitio web, https://covid19washoe.com/espanol/ nuestro Tablero de COVID-19 o siguiendonos en Twitter @COVID19Washoe. Las entidades incluyen: Ciudad de Reno, Ciudad de Sparks, Distrito de Protección contra Incendios del Norte de Lake Tahoe, Tribu Pyramid Lake Paiute, Comisión de Transporte Regional, REMSA, Colonia India Reno Sparks, Departamento de Policía de Reno, Departamento de Bomberos de Reno, Distrito de Protección contra Incendios de Truckee Meadows, Universidad de Nevada, Reno, el Condado de Washoe, el Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe, el Distrito Escolar del Condado de Washoe y la Oficina del Alguacil del Condado de Washoe. También en el grupo están los hospitales del área, Northern Nevada Medical Center, Renown Health y Saint Mary’s.

52 COVID-19 cases, 39 recoveries reported

52 COVID-19 cases, 39 recoveries reported

Health District vaccinated 2,600 on Saturday, more than 75,000 doses administered overall

March 21, 2021. Reno/Sparks, NV – The Regional Information Center is reporting 52 additional COVID-19 cases in Washoe County with 39 recoveries.

The Washoe County Health District administered 2,690 COVID-19 vaccines on Saturday, the most it has administered in one day. The total amount of vaccines administered by the Health District surpassed 75,000 (29,642 second doses).

Data on the COVID-19 dashboard is undergoing maintenance for the next few days while we update data feeds. We will continue to report additional COVID-19 cases, recoveries and COVID-19-related deaths but will not have the totals of those data points while the maintenance takes place. We apologize for the inconvenience.

  • Hospitalized with COVID-19*: 20 (+0)
  • Vaccines administered in Washoe County total**: 166,686 (+0 from 3/19)
  • Vaccines administered by Washoe County Health District***: 75,214 (+2,690 from 3/20)

*Data from Nevada Hospital Association includes residents from outside of Washoe County.

**This number includes first and second doses and is updated by the state of Nevada every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and can be found here under “Vaccinations” tab.

***This number is approximate and is only COVID-19 vaccines administered by the Health District. It includes first and second doses.

COVID-19 tests performed in Washoe County

  • Total number of COVID-19 tests performed in Washoe County as of March 21: 398,060 (+783 since 3/20)

Note: These figures are provided by the State of Nevada and can be found on the State Dashboard. COVID-19 tests may include non-Washoe County residents who were tested in Washoe County.

Hospital bed and ventilator information

According to the Nevada Hospital Association, in Washoe County as of March 19:

  • 63 percent staffed hospital beds are occupied (+0% since 3/18)
  • 60 percent of all licensed hospital beds are occupied (+0%)
  • 41 percent of all Intensive Care Unit beds are occupied (-1%)
  • 21 percent of all ventilators are in use (+3%)

NOTE: Numbers are for all hospital patients in Washoe County and not just COVID-19 patients.

Health District urges eligible employers to share COVID-19 vaccine info with employees

More than 2,500 local business have been invited to receive COVID-19 vaccine. Learn more about a searchable tool to see if you or your business is eligible. See press release.

Need a COVID-19 test? It’s easy to sign up and it’s free

COVID-19 testing is still available at the Livestock Events Center and can be scheduled online here (en español aqui) or by calling 775-328-2427. It’s free and it does not matter if you have symptoms or not.

Sign up for the COVID Trace App

COVID Trace is a contact tracing mobile app developed by the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services that uses a technology called the Exposure Notifications System from Google and Apple. The app exchanges anonymous information with other phones in your vicinity and can notify you if you’ve come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.See more here.

The COVID-19 Regional Information Center is working together to deliver COVID-19 community updates in a unified manner. While press releases are only sent periodically for significant events, you can always get daily results on our website, https://covid19washoe.com/, our COVID-19 Dashboard or by following us on Twitter @COVID19Washoe. The entities include: City of Reno, City of Sparks, North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, Regional Transportation Commission, REMSA, Reno Sparks Indian Colony, Reno Police Department, Reno Fire Department, Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District, University of Nevada, Reno, Washoe County, Washoe County Health District, Washoe County School District and Washoe County Sheriff’s Office. Also in the group are the area hospitals, Northern Nevada Medical Center, Renown Health and Saint Mary’s. 

88 additional COVID-19 cases, 1 additional COVID-19-related death reported

88 additional COVID-19 cases, 1 additional COVID-19-related death reported

COVID-19 Dashboard still undergoing maintenance, some data will temporarily be unavailable

March 20, 2021. Reno/Sparks, NV – The Regional Information Center is reporting an additional COVID-19-related death in Washoe County and 88 additional COVID-19 cases. The deceased is a male in his 70s with an underlying health condition.

The 88 cases reported today is the most since 102 cases were reported on Feb. 23.

Additionally, we’re reporting 101 recoveries.

Data on the COVID-19 dashboard is undergoing maintenance for the next few days while we update data feeds. We will continue to report additional COVID-19 cases, recoveries and COVID-19-related deaths but will not have the totals of those data points while the maintenance takes place. We apologize for the inconvenience.

  • Hospitalized with COVID-19*: 20 (+0)
  • Vaccines administered in Washoe County total**: 166,686 (+0 from 3/19)
  • Vaccines administered by Washoe County Health District***: 72,524 (+2,088 from 3/19)

*Data from Nevada Hospital Association includes residents from outside of Washoe County.

**This number includes first and second doses and is updated by the state of Nevada every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and can be found here under “Vaccinations” tab.

***This number is approximate and is only COVID-19 vaccines administered by the Health District. It includes first and second doses.

COVID-19 tests performed in Washoe County

  • Total number of COVID-19 tests performed in Washoe County as of March 20: 397,277 (+1,196 since 3/19)

Note: These figures are provided by the State of Nevada and can be found on the State Dashboard. COVID-19 tests may include non-Washoe County residents who were tested in Washoe County.

Hospital bed and ventilator information

According to the Nevada Hospital Association, in Washoe County as of March 19:

  • 63 percent staffed hospital beds are occupied (+0% since 3/18)
  • 60 percent of all licensed hospital beds are occupied (+0%)
  • 41 percent of all Intensive Care Unit beds are occupied (-1%)
  • 21 percent of all ventilators are in use (+3%)

NOTE: Numbers are for all hospital patients in Washoe County and not just COVID-19 patients.

Health District urges eligible employers to share COVID-19 vaccine info with employees

More than 2,500 local business have been invited to receive COVID-19 vaccine. Learn more about a searchable tool to see if you or your business is eligible. See press release.

Need a COVID-19 test? It’s easy to sign up and it’s free

COVID-19 testing is still available at the Livestock Events Center and can be scheduled online here (en español aqui) or by calling 775-328-2427. It’s free and it does not matter if you have symptoms or not.

Sign up for the COVID Trace App

COVID Trace is a contact tracing mobile app developed by the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services that uses a technology called the Exposure Notifications System from Google and Apple. The app exchanges anonymous information with other phones in your vicinity and can notify you if you’ve come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.See more here.

The COVID-19 Regional Information Center is working together to deliver COVID-19 community updates in a unified manner. While press releases are only sent periodically for significant events, you can always get daily results on our website, https://covid19washoe.com/, our COVID-19 Dashboard or by following us on Twitter @COVID19Washoe. The entities include: City of Reno, City of Sparks, North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, Regional Transportation Commission, REMSA, Reno Sparks Indian Colony, Reno Police Department, Reno Fire Department, Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District, University of Nevada, Reno, Washoe County, Washoe County Health District, Washoe County School District and Washoe County Sheriff’s Office. Also in the group are the area hospitals, Northern Nevada Medical Center, Renown Health and Saint Mary’s. 

El Distrito de Salud urge a los empleadores elegibles a compartir información sobre la vacuna contra COVID-19 con sus empleados

El Distrito de Salud urge a los empleadores elegibles a compartir información sobre la vacuna contra COVID-19 con sus empleados

Mas de 2,500 negocios han sido invitados a vacunarse contra COVID-19

Marzo 19, 2021. Reno/Sparks, NV – El Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe (WCHD) pide a los negocios locales que son elegibles para la recibir la vacuna contra COVID-19 a que se aseguren de que sus empleados estén informados y tengan acceso a programar su cita para vacunarse.

Mas de 2,500 negocios en el Condado de Washoe recibieron información sobre la vacuna contra COVID-19 con un enlace para programar una cita para vacunarse contra COVID-19 a partir del 18 de marzo del 2021.  La Cámara de Comercio de Reno-Sparks también difundió esta información a las industrias.  El Distrito de Salud está al tanto de las quejas por parte de los residentes que han dicho que sus empleadores no han proveído información sobre la disponibilidad de la vacuna.

Mas información sobre la Fuerza Laboral de Primer Línea/Esencial:

  • Vaya al sitio bajo  searchable database para ver si su empleador está en la lista ya sea para recibir la vacuna contra COVID-19 o porque ya recibieron citas para vacunarse contra COVID-19
  • Las entradas sombreadas con verde han recibido una invitación del Condado de Washoe
  • Si su empleador o negocio no está en la lista, haga clic en “Request To Participate”

Si su empleador es eligible y usted no ha recibido información sobre como programar su vacuna, favor de comunicarse con su empleador, o mande un correo electrónico a covidvaccine@washoecounty.us o llame al 775-328-2427.  Se requerirá que muestre comprobante de empleo cuando se registre para vacunarse contra COVID-19 en el Centro de Eventos de Livestock de Reno-Sparks. 

“Nuestra meta es ofrecer la vacuna a todo empleador de primer línea/especial en el Condado de Washoe que es elegible según el playbook del estado,” dijo Kevin Dick, Oficial del Distrito de Salud en el Condado de Washoe.  “Entendemos los retos logísticos que vienen con vacunar a la entera fuerza laboral, pero por salud y la seguridad de los empleados, especialmente aquellos que trabajan directamente con el público, instamos el compartir esta información libremente y dar la oportunidad de vacunarse a todos los empleados que así lo deseen.”

Para más información sobre COVID-19 en el Condado de Washoe, favor de visitar nuestro sitio web.

El Distrito del Condado de Washoe es nacionalmente acreditado por la Junta de Acreditación de Salud Pública y tiene jurisdicción sobre sobre todos los asuntos de salud pública en Reno, Sparks, y Washoe County mediante su Junta Directiva del Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe.  El Distrito consiste en cinco divisiones:  Servicios de Salud Administrativos, Administración de Calidad del Aire, Servicios de Salud Comunitaria y Clínica, Servicios de Salud Ambiental y Epidemiologia y Preparación para Salud Publica.  Más información aquí

1 additional COVID-19-related death, 25 cases reported

1 additional COVID-19-related death, 25 cases reported

COVID-19 Dashboard still undergoing maintenance, some data will temporarily be unavailable

March 19, 2021. Reno/Sparks, NV – The Regional Information Center is reporting an additional COVID-19-related death in Washoe County: a male in his 70s with an underlying health condition.

Additionally, we’re reporting 25 new COVID1-9 cases and 11 recoveries in Washoe County.

Data on the COVID-19 dashboard is undergoing maintenance for the next few days while we update data feeds. We will continue to report additional COVID-19 cases, recoveries and COVID-19-related deaths but will not have the totals of those data points while the maintenance takes place. We apologize for the inconvenience.

  • Hospitalized with COVID-19*: 20 (-2)
  • Vaccines administered in Washoe County total**: 166,686 (+6,404 from 3/17)
  • Vaccines administered by Washoe County Health District***: 70,436 (+2,317 from 3/18)

*Data from Nevada Hospital Association includes residents from outside of Washoe County.

**This number includes first and second doses and is updated by the state of Nevada every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and can be found here under “Vaccinations” tab.

***This number is approximate and is only COVID-19 vaccines administered by the Health District. It includes first and second doses.

COVID-19 tests performed in Washoe County

  • Total number of COVID-19 tests performed in Washoe County as of March 19: 396,081 (+908 since 3/18)

Note: These figures are provided by the State of Nevada and can be found on the State Dashboard. COVID-19 tests may include non-Washoe County residents who were tested in Washoe County.

Hospital bed and ventilator information

According to the Nevada Hospital Association, in Washoe County as of March 19:

  • 63 percent staffed hospital beds are occupied (+0% since 3/18)
  • 60 percent of all licensed hospital beds are occupied (+0%)
  • 41 percent of all Intensive Care Unit beds are occupied (-1%)
  • 21 percent of all ventilators are in use (+3%)

NOTE: Numbers are for all hospital patients in Washoe County and not just COVID-19 patients.

Health District urges eligible employers to share COVID-19 vaccine info with employees

More than 2,500 local business have been invited to receive COVID-19 vaccine. Learn more about a searchable tool to see if you or your business is eligible. See press release.

Need a COVID-19 test? It’s easy to sign up and it’s free

COVID-19 testing is still available at the Livestock Events Center and can be scheduled online here (en español aqui) or by calling 775-328-2427. It’s free and it does not matter if you have symptoms or not.

Sign up for the COVID Trace App

COVID Trace is a contact tracing mobile app developed by the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services that uses a technology called the Exposure Notifications System from Google and Apple. The app exchanges anonymous information with other phones in your vicinity and can notify you if you’ve come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.See more here.

The COVID-19 Regional Information Center is working together to deliver COVID-19 community updates in a unified manner. While press releases are only sent periodically for significant events, you can always get daily results on our website, https://covid19washoe.com/, our COVID-19 Dashboard or by following us on Twitter @COVID19Washoe. The entities include: City of Reno, City of Sparks, North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, Regional Transportation Commission, REMSA, Reno Sparks Indian Colony, Reno Police Department, Reno Fire Department, Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District, University of Nevada, Reno, Washoe County, Washoe County Health District, Washoe County School District and Washoe County Sheriff’s Office. Also in the group are the area hospitals, Northern Nevada Medical Center, Renown Health and Saint Mary’s.